On the Board Walk

BrewBoard news


Optional QR Code Page

Quick update and a note today.

Firstly, in response to a few requests and comments, there's now an option in Board Settings to turn off the QR code page which displays as part of the fullscreen BrewBoard rotation.

If you do turn it off, don't forget that you can always turn it on again at any time. Useful if you have friends over, so they can easily pull up your BrewBoard on their phones.

Secondly, in our previous post we mentioned that our Brewfather import now supports batches as well as recipes. Note that whether you see recipes or batches or both is determined by the permissions you grant when you create your api key at Brewfather. So, if you granted only Read Recipes permission when you set up your key, you would need to destroy and recreate the key with Read Recipes and Read Batches access scope to have access to both recipes and batches.